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Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap

August 1, 2018

Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap report coverWorking at the Intersections focuses on the intersection of sexuality and race when evaluating nonprofit leadership. The report builds on Race to Lead, again utilizing the Nonprofits, Race, and Leadership Survey, and analyzing the answers of the 21% of respondents who self-identified as LGBTQ+.

The findings of this report were significant, with nearly one-fifth of respondents reporting anti-LGBTQ+ bias in nonprofit spaces. Additionally, LGBTQ+ respondents of color reported concerns that LGBTQ+ nonprofits are not racially inclusive, despite the fact that LGBTQ+ respondents showed increased awareness of racial issues.

Working at the Intersections identifies three ways organizations can address inequities in the LGBTQ+ space. First, address race from an intersectional standpoint. Additionally, funders and national and state associations must incentivize non-discrimination by pushing organizations to codify non-discrimination policies that include sexuality, gender identity, and race. Furthermore, funders who previously directed efforts at marriage equality should focus on funding LGBTQ+ organizations led by people of color as well as investing in diversity efforts in mainstream LGBTQ+ organizations.