National Collaboration for Youth
Building A Brighter Future

National Collaboration for Youth
The National Collaboration for Youth (NCY) is a coalition of the National Human Services Assembly member and partner organizations that have a significant interest in place-based youth development. Its mission is to provide a united voice as advocates for youth to improve the conditions of young people in America by supporting organizations in the areas of policy, practice, research and convening.
Our mission is to provide a united voice as advocates for youth to improve the conditions of young people in America, ultimately helping young people reach their full potential.
Why It Exists
NCY was formed by a handful of national executives who believed that their organizations could accomplish more collectively than individually to advance a positive developmental approach to child and youth development; prevent youth from having negative experiences by offering well-founded positive experiences; and ensure justice and fair treatment for youth involved in the justice and child welfare systems. NCY still exists substantially for these purposes today.
What It Does
NCY functions in the areas of Policy, Practice, and Research, all in the realm of positive youth development, an approach to policy and programs that is at this point very well researched by some of the most respected academics and scientists and very well accepted among many policymakers and even more widely among service providers. Youth are defined by their assets and potential not by their challenges.
The NCY Washington Group, public policy leaders of member organizations, coordinates policy development and action to advance positive youth development.
The NCY Program Group, top youth development professionals at member organizations, develops and pursues initiatives that advance the practice of positive youth development.
The Research Group fuels the field with evidence-based approaches.
For questions about this site or more information on the National Collaboration for Youth, contact us.
- Serve more than 40 million young people annually
- Employ over 100,000 staff
- Utilize more than 6 million volunteers
- Have a physical presence in virtually every community in America