Reframing newsletter

Reframing Examples From the Field: Social and Traditional Media

July 27, 2017

In our last two newsletters, we provided examples of human services organizations using the Building Well-Being Narrative in their foundational communications pieces, such as mission statements and program descriptions, and in their advocacy communications. This week, we’re featuring examples of partners incorporating the reframing research into their social and traditional media communications.

Traditional Media

iBi magazine cover

Our partners with the Human Services Collaborative of Greater Peoria recently took full reframing advantage of an opportunity to articulate the value and importance of human services to influential leaders in their region. InterBusiness Issues (iBi), a business magazine in Peoria, IL, dedicated their May 2017 issue to the nonprofit sector. The feature article, Building a Greater Community, written by the Collaborative, explains the many ways that human services build, maintain, and restore well-being so that everyone can reach their potential and fully contribute to the community. The issue’s cover image reinforced the concept that well-being is something that is built out of many different resources and materials.

Social Media

Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are increasingly influential platforms for shaping the national dialogue on important issues, so it has been particularly exciting to find examples of human service organizations and allies incorporating the Building Well-Being Narrative into their social media posts.

Our friends at Feeding America used the new frame in a series of tweets that they shared as part of their 2016 Hunger Action Month campaign. Celebrities, corporate partners, community leaders, and local food banks shared their thoughts on how healthy meals help people reach their full potential. Here are two of our favorites from that campaign.
FA tweet July 27FA Tweet july 27

The following tweet from The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality quotes Senator Hassan articulating the communal benefits of ensuring that everyone can live up to their full potential, which we know is important to helping the public understand why humans services matter to all of us.COP tweet July 27