Reframing newsletter

Lead with the Value

February 4, 2016

Over the next few newsletters, we will highlight the unique storytelling elements that work together to form the complete Building Well-Being Narrative: the Value, the Metaphor, and the Examples.

This week, we’ll focus on the Value of Human Potential.

When we support well-being, we make sure that everyone can reach their potential and fully contribute to our communities.

FrameWorks’ research shows that invoking the right value at the start of our communications can help the public see the importance of the solutions that we’re advancing. After extensive research and testing of six different values, FrameWorks’ identified Human Potential as the value that was most effective in helping people understand the full range of ways that human services promote well-being for everyone, from research and planning, to prevention and intervention. You can read more about the values FrameWorks examined and their process.

human potential card headerCheck out FrameWorks’ Human Potential Message Card for tips on how to incorporate the value into your communications. And remember, the Value of Human Potential is most effective when it is used as part of the complete Building Well-Being Narrative. In upcoming newsletters, we’ll talk about how to use metaphors and examples to tell the full story of human services.

We also invite you to watch Irv Katz present on the importance of finding the right value at the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities 2015 national conference. Note that the presentation pre-dates the release of FrameWorks’ findings, and identifies some of the values that were under consideration.