general newsletter

Collective Responsibility – Message From the CEO

October 24, 2019

As an organization, the National Human Services Assembly is comprised of many and varied national nonprofit networks. Our members collectively touch almost every community in the United States, and almost every household in those communities. From that experience, one thing that we have learned is that there are many differences among the people we serve. They come from every nationality, race, and religion across the globe. Some are wealthy, many are poor, and the vast majority are working hard to support their families. They are Democrats and Republicans, independents and non-voters. They are the just born and the soon to die, and all those who are challenged by illness, disease, and the difficulties of navigating a healthcare system that can be costly and opaque.

Too often, our elected officials and the media seek to highlight the differences between us, at times, pitting one “group” against another. There is no doubt that many of those differences are real, but we should celebrate those differences and work to make the opportunities that abound in our nation available to individuals in every community. This is where the National Assembly’s network excels. We serve all. We don’t ask how you voted, or whether you voted at all. We don’t care what language you speak or whether you are unable to speak. We don’t know if your father was born in this country, or your grandfather, or great-grandfather; we just know that you are here.

We believe that everyone we serve has the potential to contribute in meaningful ways to our nation. Collectively, we know how to make that possible. The work we do every day is how we ensure the well-being of our society and build stronger communities. Our actions combat the rhetoric of hate and divisiveness. We cannot be indifferent. We, all of us, have a responsibility to build a just and inclusive society.

Lee Sherman, President & CEO