Austin Flexes its Reframing Muscles
September 15, 2016This week, we share the recent reframing efforts of One Voice Central Texas, a coalition of nearly 100 health and human service organizations serving Austin and surrounding counties. In April of this year, Ilsa Flanagan conducted a day-long workshop on reframing human services for members and partners of the coalition. The participants enthusiastically embraced what they learned that day and immediately started thinking through how to apply the Building Well-Being Narrative to the coalition’s work.
Graphic recording of the training created by participant Emily Jane Steinberg, @emilyjaneYES,
Over the next year, One Voice Central Texas will work with the National Assembly to mobilize its members around the reframing research and shift the current narrative on human services from “aid to the needy” to making sure “everyone reaches their full potential.” One Voice Central Texas will lead efforts in Austin to build the capacity of its members to use the new frame for human services, ultimately encouraging more vibrant civic participation and deeper support for effective programs.