Ready by 21 National Meeting
The Forum for Youth Investment will be hosting the 8th Annual Ready by 21 National Meeting on April 23-25, 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Experts from across the country will come together to share best practices for improving the lives of young people.
The National Meeting brings together more than 500 local, state and national leaders who like you are committed to improving partnerships, policies and practices for children and youth. These leaders manage change at all levels – from state policy coordination and community-wide cradle-to-career efforts to out-of-school time systems, single-issue coalitions and neighborhood-based initiatives. They come from business, nonprofits, education, policy, philanthropy and intermediaries at the national, state and local levels. At the core of the National Meeting are the workshops that educate and inspire the hundreds of leaders in attendance to do the ground work in ensuring that all young people are ready to succeed. Workshops are designed to provide varying levels of content and presentation formats in order to better equip communities of all shapes and those in various stages of change.
Learn more and register.