The Road Forward Is Not Back to Normal – HR Council (Q3 2022)
It’s time to move on. Although pandemic conditions are still causing disruption, nonprofit leaders must start planning for recovery. Social sector organizations are uniquely positioned to be the most impactful in the rebuilding process. Our sector is not what it once was, however. We lost more than 50,000 organizations that may never reopen and as many as 500,000 jobs that may never return. Nonprofits accessed financial support programs, like Payroll Protection Program loans and Employee Retention Credits, at dramatically lower rates than other small businesses. What happened?
Going forward, normal will just not be good enough. We can do better. What skills are needed to make our workforce more resilient to the next crisis? What can leaders do now to prepare? How can we balance day-to-day demands and prioritize talent development? How do we do more with less?
Join Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, CNP, (Board of Directors, NHSA; President, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance) for a conversation about pandemic recovery and the future of the nonprofit workforce.
PRESENTER BIO Throughout her more than 25-year career, Susan Tomlinson Schmidt has worked to strengthen nonprofit organizations from the inside out through the development of social-change leaders who are prepared to tackle the most complex of societal issues. Susan’s passion for social-impact organizations shines through in her work as president of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, a network of colleges, universities, and nonprofits that strengthen the social sector through the development of a talented and prepared workforce. Since joining the Alliance in 2013, Susan has led the organization through significant change with the addition of several new programs, including Leaderosity, an online training platform that is positioned to redefine how the nonprofit sector approaches talent development. A frequent speaker on the national stage, Susan has given keynote addresses on topics related to workforce trends, employee engagement, talent recruitment and development and the next generation of leadership.
This meeting will be for the Human Resources (HR) Council. To learn more about participating in or joining the council, please contact Melissa Reifler. NHSA’s Peer Councils are networks of senior leaders from among its members, partners and field experts to facilitate shared learning across organizations; bring emerging best practices, policy and research to light; and advocate for systems-wide changes to advance the human service sector.