Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council (Q1 2022)
This meeting will be the kickoff for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council for 2022.
The DEI Council is a forum for senior level staff focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities at human service organizations. This includes individuals working in HR roles, DEI roles, DEI committees, and roles that provide DEI programming for members. Participants come together with their peers and thought leaders who have roles focused on racial equity, cultural diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.
Council members will explore best practices in the field, as well as implementation successes and challenges as they identify and implement developmental and systemic changes that will increase organizational cultural competencies resulting in a more diverse, equitable, and inclusionary sector.
Join Co-Chairs Monisha Kapila (Board of Directors, NHSA; Co-CEO & Founder, ProInspire) and Victor Valentine (Executive Director, NHSA) to hear more about our vision for this dynamic council and with your input, begin the conversation regarding diversifying leadership throughout the sector. RSVP for the kick-off.
To learn more about participating in or joining the council, please contact Melissa Reifler.
NHSA’s Peer Councils are networks of senior leaders from among its members, partners and field experts to facilitate shared learning across organizations; bring emerging best practices, policy and research to light; and advocate for systems-wide changes to advance the human service sector.