DEI Council: Navigating a DEI Agenda in a Decentralized Organization (Q2 2022)

May 11, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The DEI Peer Council is pleased to welcome Tiffney Marley, CCAP, NCRT, Senior Vice President for Practice Transformation at the National Community Action Partnership (CAP). Tiffney will join us for a presentation and facilitated discussion examining the challenges and opportunities associated with effectively implementing a DEI agenda across CAP’s affiliate network. Joining her will be council Co-Chairs Monisha Kapila (Board of Directors, NHSA; Founder and Co-CEO, ProInspire) and Victor Valentine (Executive Director, NHSA).

Register today for this interactive session to learn from colleagues in the sector and support each other in this important work.


Presenter Bio Tiffney Marley, CCAP, NCRT is the Senior Vice President for Practice Transformation at the Partnership, where she leads training and technical assistance strategies to maximize impact and transform anti-poverty practices of the Community Action Network. Since 2015, Tiffney’s portfolio has grown to include the National Learning Communities Resource Center (LCRC), Whole Family Approach Initiatives, and the Transforming Leadership and the Human Services Ecosystems Initiative. This work has included leading multiple intensive technical assistance cohorts aimed to innovate, transform, and implement effective programmatic and organizational practices; and collaborating with governmental and private stakeholders on special initiatives to transform organizations and systems. Tiffney is an institutional equity expert and serves as a thought-partner to the CEO on national equity implementation and other strategic initiatives.

Our Peer Councils are networks of senior leaders from among members, partners and field experts to facilitate shared learning across organizations; bring emerging best practices, policy and research to light; and advocate for systems-wide changes to advance the human service sector. To learn more about participating in or joining the council, please contact Melissa Reifler.